Funchal – Madeira Island | 15 – 17 Dec. 2021
As part of a partnership with the International Conference “Photography and History”, the PERPHOTO project is responsible for organizing the panel “Reenacting the Archive. Performing the Gaze” aiming to foster the discussion on topics emerging from the relationship between photography and history in the context of performance theory and the performing arts.
The aim of the conference is to put into perspective the role of photography in different contexts – such as the institutional and personal archive, in social networks, or in artistic practice – as a means of enhancing history, understood here as a narrative that challenges the contemporary from the evidences and regimes of thought and visuality of the past.
The conference has sixteen thematic panels with more than seventy researchers in the field of Photography from various countries and national and international academic institutions, with an online version and a presencial version that will take place in the auditorium of the Colégio dos Jesuitas, Reitoria of the University of Madeira.
The Conference is an initiative of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture, Regional Directorate of Culture and Madeira Photography Museum – Atelier Vicente’s, and has the support of ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da Nova da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and the University of Madeira, and also in partnership with two research projects in the area funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT: the Perphoto project – Dramaturgias do Olhar and the PhotoImpulse project.
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