In preparation for the performance Familiar imaginary – timeline, which will take place on the 4th of December framed in the program of the PERPHOTO 2020/2021 Meetings, the artist Tânia Dinis invites a limited number of interested parties (up to 15 people) to participate in the session.

The selected people will receive from the artist at their addresses a photograph with which they will interact during the performance.

The session will take place online through the Zoom platform and will be freely accessible through a link to be made available in due course.

If you are interested in participating, you must send, until the 10th of October, a message with the Subject “ENCONTRO TÂNIA DINIS” to the mail with the address for sending and contact email. (The personal data provided will only be used for the purpose of communicating with the artist in this performance).

Familiar imaginary – Timeline deals with the correspondence of Tânia Dinis’ family images, with a group of participants. A process of creation and sharing in the constant search for the multiple readings that the image can have and what it can hide. In this photographic moment, a digital device / tool is used to transport and transform these memories. A conversation, where dialogues and relationships of affections grow, fictionalizing memories, making dislocations of original moments, or not, in time and space